Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Raptor Watch 2014

I have taken Raptor Watch as an annual activity since 2011. Even though there is not much new thing exhibited at the booth  in PNB Ilham area, the prospect of meeting guys with the same interest and seeing the migrating raptor always keep me going. And this year visit is superb.

Orange Bellied Flowerpecker

Scarlet Backed Flowerpecker (female)

Oriental honey Buzzard

A gang of Oriental Honey Buzzard (Part of over 1000 raptors migrating that day)

Oriental Honey Buzzard 
(Even with some missing feathers, this bird still manage to cross the Straits of Malacca safely)

Lineated Barbet

Blue Eared Barbet

Purple Throated Sunbird

Actually I want to add some more photos but don't want to make the post too crowded, so in the end I have to refrain myself 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Dry Spell for Me

Currently not only Malaysia is experiencing the dry spell but also my birding life. I only manage to record few birds count during these few weeks. 

Here are few photos of birds and squirrels taken at FRIM in Kepong.

Grey bellied Squirrel

Green Backed Flycatcher

Buff Necked Woodpecker

Malayan Giant Squirrel

P.S: Hopefully this hot and dry season will end sooner.